Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

Contoh Format Lesson Plan (RPP) SMP - Bahasa Inggris


Unit of Education       : SMPN 1 Gurah                                                                              
Subject                         : English
Class/semester             : VII/ 1
Topic                            : Descriptive text verbal and written about characteristic and phsycal appearance of people.
Allocation of Time      : 2 pertemuan (4JP)

KI 1
Respecting and appreciating the teachings of their religion.
KI 2
Respecting and appreciating the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual cooperation), polite, confident, in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment in a range of socially and existence.
KI 3
Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on their curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and events related phenomena which are appear.
KI 4
Trying, processing, and presenting in the realm of concrete (using, explaining, composing, modifying, and creating) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) according to the learned in schools and other sources in the same point of view / theory.
A.    Core Competencies

B.    Basic Competencies and Indicators

Basic Competence
Indicators of Competence Achievement
1.1.        Grateful for the opportunity to learn English as a language of international communication embodied in the spirit of learning.
1.1.1     Write Learning log which express the gratitude of the opportunity to learn English.
2.2.        Shows the behavior of an honest, discipline, confident, and responsible in implementing transactional communication with teachers and friends.
2.2.1     Be responsible for the actions of its members when he became the leader of the group
2.2.2     Recognize when making a mistake
2.2.3     Do not blame others for his own actions
2.2.4     Doing things that are said to be done without being reminded of others
3.10     Understanding social functions,generic structure and language features of descriptive text stating and asking about the people,animal and thing description short and simple according to the context of its use.
3.10.1  Determine social function of text     
3.10.2  Identify the generic structureof text
3.10.3  Identify language features of text

·          He’s short and wears glasses
·          wears glasses
1)      The mention of verb in simple present tense : be, have.
2)      Pronouns it, they, she, we, and so on; our, my, your, their, and so on.
3)      Adjectives, without or with the addition of the word quite, very, or combinations such    as dark brown, nice, and so on.
4)      Spelling and handwriting and print clearly and neatly
6   Pronunciation, stress, intonation, when presented orally.

E.   Learning Method

Scientific Approach

F.   Media, Tools, and Sources

1.         Media:
people pictures, people videos
2.         Tools:
Color marker, LCD projector, laptop / computer
3.         Source:
a.      Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2013. Bahasa Inggris, When English rings the bell. Jakarta: Politeknik Negri Media Kreatif. Hal. 146.

G.  Learning Steps Activity

First Meeting

a. Introduction (10 minutes)

1.      Greeting
2.      Apperception and motivation
3.      Submission of learning objectives
4.      Submission of material scope and description of the activities

b. Core Activities (60 minutes)

1.      Students observe a picture about characteristic and phsycal appearance of person,
2.      Students answer some questions about characteristic and phsycal appearance person.
3.      Students repeat the teacher for state about characteristic and phsycal appearance person,
4.      Students listen model of text about characteristic and phsycal appearance person.
5.       Students try to determine the detail informations.

1.      By teacher guidance, students question the differences of every kinds of descriptive text about person in a variety of contexts.

1.  Student with group  write down descriptive text about people related to other subject [in] Class of VII by paying attention social function, generic structure, and Ianguage of features.

      c. Closing (10 minutes)

1) Students and teacher conduct reflection to activity of study and its benefits
2) Students and teacher give feed back to study result and process
3) Teacher give homework in the form of self-supporting duty to write down simple deskripsi about characteristic and physical appearance of darling people of them
4) Students pay attention information about plan activity of study for to next meeting
5) Students and teacher say greeting.

Second Meeting

a. Introduction (10 minutes)

1.      Greeting
2.      Apperception and motivation
3.      Submission of learning objectives
4.      Submission of material scope and description of the activities

b.      Core Activities (60 minutes)

1.    Students are analysing descriptive text with focus at social function in pairs
2.    Students are analysing descriptive text with focus at generic structure, and language features
3.    Students get feedback from friend and teacher about result of analysis

1.      Students write down descriptive text about his/her classmate and present in front of class.
2.      Students create learning journal

      c. Closing (10 minutes)

1) Students and teacher conduct reflection to activity of study and its benefits
2) Students and teacher give feed back to study result and process
3) Teachers give homework in the form of self-supporting duty to write down simple deskripsi about characteristic and physical appearance of darling people of them
4) Students pay attention information about plan activity of study for to next meeting
5) Students and teacher say greeting.

H.  Assessment
1. Spiritual attitude
a.         Technique of assessment : Written
b.         Instrumen form               : Learning Journal
c.         Blue print                        :

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